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Old House with Yard of 1250 sq.m. in a Picturesque Small Town 50 km to Sofia

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House in Sofia Area for 41,900 EUR

Property Description

Old House with Yard of 1250 sq.m. in a Picturesque Small Town 50 km to Sofia

The property is located in a small mountain town in western Bulgaria and is about 20 km to Dragoman town and 50 km to Sofia city and airport.

For sale is a single-storey house offering a total space of 74 square meters. Consists of 3 rooms, a corridor and a cellar. The building is old and needs renovation. Electricity and water supply are available in the property. The yard is 1250 sq.m. and there are s few fruit trees and plenty of empty space to use as you wish. Reachable via asphalt road as the last 200 meters are a gravel road passable for a standard vehicle. Peaceful area with beautiful nature, nice open views and clean air just under an hour drive to Sofia city.

The town itself is very well-organized, has good infrastructure and here you will find all basic amenities. There is bus transport to the capital a few times a day.

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Property Summary

Water Supply
Store Room
Fruit Trees
Needs Renovation
Farm Building

Area Summary

Nice Views
Medical Service
River Nearby
Bus Station
Mountain Area
Bank Office
Good Access


  • Airport: 50 km
  • Main Roads: yes
  • Nearest town: 20 km

* Please note that the exact prices of the properties are the prices in Euros. All the prices in GBP are approximate and valid only on the day of uploading the offer. The current price of the property in GBP or any currency except Euros will be calculated on the rates valid for the day of finalizing the deal.

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  • Property type: House
  • Subtype: 2 bedrooms
  • Price: Up to 10.000 $
  • Land Size: Up to 10.000 $
  • Basic Location: Sea
  • On Map: East
  • Province: Sofia
  • Town: Sofia

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