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Nice Villa with a Yard of 2000 sq.m. in a Scenic Village 50 km to Vratsa, Bulgaria

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House in Roman for 18,500 EUR

Property Description

Nice Villa with a Yard of 2000 sq.m. in a Scenic Village 50 km to Vratsa, Bulgaria

The property is situated in a charming village in northwestern Bulgaria and is just 7 km to the next small town of Roman (railway station), 52 km to Vratsa and 95 km to Sofia Airport. Pravets golf complex is just 30 km south.

For sale is a small villa on 2 floors in good structural condition. The first floor consists of 2 rooms and a kitchen and the second floor has 2 rooms. Electricity and water supply are available. The property is coming with a well-tended and fenced yard of 2000 sq.m.; there are some fruit trees and plenty of free space to use as you wish. The area is picturesque and ecologically clean with 2 rivers passing nearby; perfect for recreation or year-round living.

Malak Iskar River flows near the village and provides great conditions for fishing and recreation. Bus transport to the bigger and smaller settlements in the region is available frequently.

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Property Summary

Water Supply
Store Room
Fruit Trees

Area Summary

River Nearby
Nice Views
Good Access
Bus Station


  • Airport: 95 km
  • Golf: 30 km
  • Main Roads: yes
  • Nearest town: 7 km
  • River/Lake: 500 meters
  • Train: 7 km

* Please note that the exact prices of the properties are the prices in Euros. All the prices in GBP are approximate and valid only on the day of uploading the offer. The current price of the property in GBP or any currency except Euros will be calculated on the rates valid for the day of finalizing the deal.

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  • Property type: House
  • Subtype: 2 bedrooms
  • Price: Up to 10.000 $
  • Land Size: Up to 10.000 $
  • Basic Location: Sea
  • On Map: East
  • Province: Sofia
  • Town: Sofia

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